A few words about

Nakato Betty Nakigozi

Betty is a stoical Ugandan girl passionate about medicine. According to her, this passion did not come about at random. It feeds on her experience back then when she faced a moto accident in senior three and realized the scarcity of doctors after she was sent to hospital the medical center. She believes having a master’s degree in medical science will be a considerable asset in achieving her passion for filling the gap in the Ugandan medical sector. To be specific, she wants to be an Orthopedic doctor.

Betty is interested in science, but she also likes singing and listening to music. She considers both as her best hobby. She also enjoys having conversations with people who are caring and friendly with her.

Concerning her work experience, Betty had the opportunity to volunteer at BRAC as well as do babysitting during her vacations.  

What areas the mentee is looking for support in?

First and foremost, Betty is looking forward to learning sign language. She believes this skill could enable her to outweigh the need for doctors who can efficiently communicate with deaf people. Besides, she also looks up to acquiring personal skills such as communication or public speaking, to be specific.

Where would the mentee like to see herself in three year's time?

Betty thinks it is a bit early to determine where she will be in the future. According to her, she is only concerned about getting her undergraduate and postgraduate education in medicine. After then, she will determine whether she needs to be employed or build her own hospital.

What would the mentee like to get from mentoring?

Betty confirms she is getting all the necessary from the program.  However, after our conversation, she thinks there are certain personal skills besides those early mentioned which she would need to acquire from the program, although she has not thought about it before.