A few words about

STEM Education Programs

The InoGen Practical Sessions program: Coming soon.

The need for technology has exponentially increased over the years. The McKinsey Global institute reports that technology could increase productivity growth globally by 0.8% to 1.4% annually. InoGen leveraged this increased need for technology and human centered design to roll out a practical sessions program. InoGen’s practical sessions program is governed by the popular saying, “we learn by doing.” The practical sessions are being designed to be hands-on and the main objectives of the program are:

  1. to make science more relatable and enjoyable for the students by bringing more creativity and innovation to the students’ learning experience 
  2. to encourage more girls to choose career paths in science
  3. to cultivate an innovative generation in Africa, starting from Uganda and then Ghana where our history started, 
  4. to partner with different stakeholders to ensure a practical curriculum is implemented in schools
  5. to create more job opportunities for the Ugandan youth. 

InoGen is confident that the program’s guided learning approach will empower students to have the ability to work on science projects independently. The sessions will mainly be in:

  1. Robotics
  2. Programming
  3. General engineering. 

The sessions are targeted for an age bracket of girls between 8 – 20  years. For more details, contact us.